Georgetown/ Penang

The master plan was to hitch hike to Georgetown on Penang. No chance at all. It was impossible to get out of Kuala Lumpur. Just out of curiosity, we asked for the price via train to Georgetown which was about 350 km north. We did’t need to think twice for a 20 MYR-ticket (5 Euros). The cost of food during our try to hitch hike would be at least the same price. So we took the offer and spend the last few hours at the train station with some young local people. One of them was so excited that he wanted a photo with us. “When I’m older I want to travel like you guys.”, he said. After a little delay we started our 7 hours journey in a 10 degree celsius trailer. Yes, you did hear right. It was really that cold. We didn’t understand this at all. The only gate way spot was between the trailers where also the doors are. But unfortunately we weren’t alone because everyone liked to be in that warm place. Tired and hypothermic we arrived at Georgetown in the early morning. There wasn’t any opportunity to go to bed because we had to wait another 3 hours until the hostel will have open. During that time Ines took a nap and I went for a little walk around Georgetown.
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In 2008, Georgetown was declared as a world heritage site by Unesco and should be interesting to everyone who likes food from all over the world, old buildings, history and street art. Last named we attacked it in the next morning. Armed with a map, camera and lots of vigour we started to comb the streets. “Comb the desert!” Best quote ever. The paintings are unique and welcome everyone to interact with them. Take a seat on a swing next to another, where little kids are laughing about you or place your butt on a luggage carrier and pretend to take a bike tour with kids through Georgetown. These are just two from many which are spread out all over the inner city. And if you get hungry the next kitchen chef is not far away. It doesn’t matter if you pick Muslim, Chinese, Thai or Indian food. Everything is damn delicious. After 2 days we found our two favourite restaurants. Woodlands and Thalia NR Sweet. Both offer vegetarian food, taste very good and it is pretty cheap. Don’t be afraid if you read “Chicken”. It isn’t meat at all. On my first meal I doubted that it would be vegetarian. But it was. So delicious!!!
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Faster, faster!!!
Thats normal in Malaysia
Could I have a sip
4 days in town were more than enough. It was time to discover the island. We took the bus 101 and went to the end station, where the national park from Penang is. Right after our arrival it started to rain which was very appreciating in this hot weather. We filled out a form at the entrance and were ready to go into the forest. After a few hundred meter we turned left and left the main touristic path. When we read the sign “hill” we were on fire to do this. 10 steep ups and downs and as a reward we got no view at the end. Bummer and a deja vu. Bad memories from the Herikino Forest in New Zealand popped up in my mind again. These thoughts were gone as we reached the Turtle Beach. Here we could watch little and big turtles in the Sanctuary for turtles. Except of turtles we also saw a snake, a nice frog and a big lizard. It was really exciting.
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Thumbs down
In the camera museum
On our day before the very last one we went by bus to the Kok Lok Si temple, which is apparently the biggest Buddhist temple in Malaysia. Unfortunately, the temple has the appearance of a shopping mall. Lots of huge souvenir shops took every magic and beauty from this place. Of course it is still amazing. Quite honestly, one shop would be definitely enough. We didn’t come for shopping. With an elevator we made our way up to the next floor. Here, a big statue welcomed us and additional we got a very nice view all over Georgetown.
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Malaysian Horned Frog
Learn to wrap food
Lesson to make a dish
All together we spend about 9 days in Georgetown. I think 5 days would be enough for this town. But the food was so damn delicious. We said goodbye to the owners from the Cocoa Hostel and took the ferry to Butterworth in the evening. From here we are going to Ipho and further to the Cameron Highlands. There we are starting our second job as volunteers in a hostel. We are already very excited and looking forward to that place. Especially hiking and the mild temperature in the highlands make us happy. No sweat from doing nothing anymore. 
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Artist on the street
Kek Lok Si temple
Inside the temple

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  1. ohhhh...wie schön... muddi hatte tränen in den guggels als ich die vidios angeschaut habe...ich freue mich mit euch dass ihr so etwas erleben könnt...wundervolle eindrücke...farben...menschen..tiere....und mittendrin ihr zwei...ich drücke euch gaaaannnnzzz fest...passt auf euch auf.....wir lieben

  2. „Freiheit bedeutet Verantwortlichkeit. Das ist der Grund, weshalb die meisten Menschen sich vor ihr fürchten.“ - George Bernard Shaw -
    Selamat Hari Jadi , Maiki!! Ich denke,diesen Satz hast du zig mal gehoert in den letzten Stunden... auch von mir alles Gute. Die Zeit rennt und rennt und es ist wichtig, dass wir jeden Moment nutzen. Und das Zitat von Shaw trifft den Nagel auf den Kopf! Wuensch dir weiterhin viele schoene Erlebnisse auf deiner Reise! Auch liebe Gruesse an Ines!
    deine tEULEtte

  3. Hey Eule. Ganz lieben Dank für deine Glückwünsche. Ich hoffe dir bzw. euch beiden geht es soweit gut. Wo steckst du jetzt eigentlich und wie war Afrika. Ich bin mit Ines gerade in Melaka und wir sind kurz davor nach Indonesien zu reisen. Bestell allen einen lieben Gruss.


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